Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kings Park

Kings Park Psychiatric Center is an abandoned psychiatric center in Kings Park, Long Island. Many people have came by this abandoned institution. Lots have come by for a dare or have brought their camera. Some have come to vandalize and steal. Either way everyone who has came put themselves in danger and have been trespassing.

State park officials have issues 231 violations and 17 arrests. The main issue is the safety of people's health, there are a lot of asbestos in the building. The asbestos gets on their clothes and they bring it home with them. There are lots of hazards at this site. The psychiatric center was closed in 1993.

Around Halloween lots of teens come to do dangerous activities. I know for a fact some of my friends that I worked with have visited Kings Park, because it is haunted. Indeed it is, they took pictures and you can see the orbs. They told me stories of the ghosts they have seen. You may not believe it, but I do.

Officials have said they were going to install cameras to catch trespassers. This is a very dangerous place and should be secured.

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