Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Halloween is when you get to dress up and be a character without people looking at you like you are crazy. It is the time when you get to be spooked out by scary stories and things of that nature. I think everyone loves Halloween. Everyone of all ages participates in Halloween.

One of the best parts of Halloween is the Trick or Treating. The kids love this part and so do I. You get to go to people's houses and collect so much candy. I have to admit I do have a sweet tooth. There is also the bad part which most teenagers are responsible for. There is the egg throwing and the t.p.ing of the houses. So be careful of that when you are out on Halloween, thankfully I did not run into it.

The school did host some events. There was a Halloween party. There was also the trip to Greenwich Village for the Halloween Day Parade. We were to meet in Residence Life to receive our free Metro Cards. Next we were to be picked up by the shuttle bus, it was so crowded that night. We then were taken to the Ferry. From the Ferry it was to the One Train until Christopher Street.

It was a very nice parade and I got to walk in it!

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