Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Irish Day Parade

This past Saturday was the Irish Day Parade in Long Beach, New York. I know what you are thinking, she must have it wrong, Is she talking about the St. Patrick's Day Parade?, and if she is it wasn't March 17th this Saturday. I know you must think I have lost my mind, but I haven't, it's something celebrated each year in October in the West End of Long Beach. It is a nice celebration and to see people of the Irish heritage show their pride. I went with my boyfriend who is part Irish.

The Irish Day parade is basically a little festival like the San Gennaro's Feast for the Italians but only obviously for the Irish. People all over were really into it. Some had flags, green shirts, and even died their hair green! One thing that was nice about the City of Long Beach, was that they made the West End bus free from 3pm to 6pm. It was very crowded, but everyone was having a good time. It was nice though, because it's a small area compared to the city, so even though there was so many faces there, you knew most of them because you grew up in the surrounding areas.

I would have to say I had a wonderful time. Even though I am not Irish, I would like to attend it again, it was very nice.

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